ZKL Invest Ltd - credit rating history

ZKL Invest Ltd  (United Kingdom)
Company registration number: 10894612 (United Kingdom); LEI: 635400PKHMKEUZMQE865
Credit rating Outlook Date Download
rating status changed to private * 25.06.2024 rating note
A- stable 18.03.2024 rating note
A- stable 12.12.2023 rating note
A- stable 22.09.2023 -
A- stable 05.06.2023 full report
A- stable 10.02.2023 -
A- stable 04.11.2022 -
A- stable 21.07.2022 -
A- stable 04.04.2022 full report

* The credit rating status for ZKL Invest Ltd was changed from public to private due to EuroRating's resignation from registration as a rating agency authorized to issue public credit ratings in the EU.

The credit rating for the company ZKL Invest Ltd is a solicited rating.

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