January 2023
EuroRating has assigned A- credit rating with a stable outlook to secured fixed rate Sukuk securities issue denominated in USD, issued by the company Pentavirate Securities Securitisation Fund (Luxembourg).
EuroRating has revised the credit rating of the guarantee fund Poznanski Fundusz Poreczen Kredytowych Sp. z o.o. with its registered office in Poznan (Poland). The rating was affirmed at BBB with a stable outlook.
EuroRating has revised the credit rating for the senior secured bonds issued by the company TVR Finance Ltd (United Kingdom). The rating was affirmed at BB- with a positive outlook.
EuroRating has revised the credit rating of the guarantee fund Swietokrzyski Fundusz Poreczeniowy Sp. z o.o. with its registered office in Kielce (Poland). The rating was affirmed at A- with a stable outlook.
EuroRating has revised the credit rating of the guarantee fund Torunski Fundusz Poreczen Kredytowych Sp. z o.o. with its registered office in Torun (Poland). The rating was affirmed at BBB- with a negative outlook.
EuroRating has revised the credit rating of the guarantee fund Malopolski Regionalny Fundusz Poreczeniowy Sp. z o.o. with its registered office in Krakow (Poland). The rating was affirmed at BBB with a stable outlook.
EuroRating has revised the credit rating of the guarantee fund Kujawsko-Pomorski Fundusz Poreczen Kredytowych Sp. z o.o. with its registered office in Torun (Poland). The rating was affirmed at A- with a stable outlook.
EuroRating has revised the credit rating of the bank Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego (Poland). The rating was affirmed at A- with a stable outlook.
EuroRating has revised the credit rating of the guarantee fund Lubuski Fundusz Poreczen Kredytowych Sp. z o.o. with its registered office in Zielona Gora (Poland). The rating was affirmed at A with a stable outlook.
EuroRating has revised the credit rating of the guarantee fund Pomorski Regionalny Fundusz Poreczen Kredytowych Sp. z o.o. with its registered office in Gdansk (Poland). The rating was affirmed at A with a stable outlook.
EuroRating has revised the credit rating of the company Pepco Group N.V. (United Kingdom). The rating was affirmed at BB+ with a stable outlook.
EuroRating has revised the credit rating of the guarantee fund Samorzadowy Fundusz Poreczen Kredytowych Sp. z o.o. with its registered office in Gostyn (Poland). The rating was affirmed at A- with a stable outlook.
EuroRating has revised the credit rating of the guarantee fund Slaski Regionalny Fundusz Poreczeniowy Sp. z o.o. with its registered office in Katowice (Poland). The rating was affirmed at A- with a stable outlook.
EuroRating has revised the credit rating of the company LPP S.A. (Poland). The rating was affirmed at BBB- with a stable outlook.
EuroRating has revised the credit rating of the guarantee fund POLFUND Fundusz Poreczen Kredytowych S.A. with its registered office in Szczecin (Poland). The rating was affirmed at A with a stable outlook.