January 2019


EuroRating has revised the credit rating of the bank Getin Noble Bank S.A. (Poland). The rating was affirmed at B-. The rating outlook was changed from negative to stable.


EuroRating has revised the credit rating of the bank Idea Bank S.A. (Poland). The rating was affirmed at B+. The rating outlook remained negative.


EuroRating has revised the credit rating of the guarantee fund Samorzadowy Fundusz Poreczen Kredytowych Sp. z o.o. with its registered office in Gostyn (Poland). The rating was affirmed at A- with a stable outlook.


EuroRating has revised the credit rating of the guarantee fund Torunski Fundusz Poreczen Kredytowych Sp. z o.o. (Poland). The rating was downgraded from BBB to BBB-. The rating outlook was changed from negative to stable.


EuroRating has revised the credit rating of the guarantee fund Mazowiecki Fundusz Poreczen Kredytowych Sp. z o.o. with its registered office in Warsaw (Poland). The rating was affirmed at BBB with a stable outlook.


EuroRating has revised the credit rating of the guarantee fund Dolnoslaski Fundusz Gospodarczy Sp. z o.o. with its registered office in Wroclaw (Poland). The rating was affirmed at A with a stable outlook.


EuroRating has revised the credit rating of the guarantee fund Malopolski Regionalny Fundusz Poreczeniowy Sp. z o.o. with its registered office in Krakow (Poland). The rating was affirmed at BBB- with a negative outlook.


EuroRating has revised the credit rating of the guarantee fund "Fundusz Pomerania" Sp. z o.o. with its registered office in Szczecin (Poland). The rating was affirmed at A+ with a stable outlook.


EuroRating has revised the credit rating of the guarantee fund Kujawsko-Pomorski Fundusz Poreczen Kredytowych Sp. z o.o. with its registered office in Torun (Poland). The rating was affirmed at A- with a stable outlook.


EuroRating has revised the credit rating of the guarantee fund Slaski Regionalny Fundusz Poreczeniowy Sp. z o.o. with its registered office in Katowice (Poland). The rating was affirmed at A- with a stable outlook.


EuroRating has revised the credit rating of the company Energa S.A. (Poland). The rating was affirmed at BBB- with a stable outlook.


EuroRating has revised the credit rating of the company Eurocash S.A. (Poland). The rating was affirmed at B+ with a negative outlook.


EuroRating has revised the credit rating of the company Murapol S.A. (Poland). The rating was affirmed at BB- with a stable outlook.


EuroRating has revised the credit rating of the guarantee fund POLFUND Fundusz Poreczen Kredytowych S.A. with its registered office in Szczecin (Poland). The rating was affirmed at A with a stable outlook.