April 2018
EuroRating has revised the credit rating of the bank Bank Millennium S.A. (Poland). The rating was affirmed at BB, the rating outlook was changed from stable to positive.
EuroRating has revised the credit rating of the guarantee fund Opolski Regionalny Fundusz Poreczen Kredytowych Sp. z o.o. with its registered office in Opole (Poland). The rating was affirmed at BBB+ with a stable outlook.
EuroRating has revised the credit rating of the company Eurocash S.A. (Poland). The rating was affirmed at B+ with a stable outlook.
EuroRating has revised the credit rating of the bank Bank Ochrony Srodowiska S.A. (Poland). The rating was affirmed at BB with a negative outlook.
EuroRating has revised the credit rating of the bank Bank BGZ BNP Paribas S.A. (Poland). The rating was affirmed at BBB with a stable outlook.
EuroRating has revised the credit rating of the company GetBack S.A. (Poland). The rating was marked as "selective default" and downgraded from B+ do CCC(sd). The rating outlook was maintenined as negative.
EuroRating has revised the credit rating of the company GetBack S.A. (Poland). The rating was downgraded from BB to B+, the rating outlook is negative.
EuroRating has revised the credit rating of the guarantee fund Torunski Fundusz Poreczen Kredytowych Sp. z o.o. with its registered office in Torun (Poland). The rating was affirmed at BBB with a stable outlook.
EuroRating has revised the credit rating of the bank Bank Pocztowy S.A. (Poland). The rating was affirmed at BB+ with a stable outlook.
EuroRating has revised the credit rating of the bank Bank Handlowy S.A. (Poland). The rating was affirmed at A- with a stable outlook.
EuroRating has revised the credit rating of the bank Santander Consumer Bank S.A. (Poland). The rating was affirmed at BBB-, the rating outlook was changed from stable to positive.
EuroRating has revised the credit rating of the bank Idea Bank S.A. (Poland). The rating was affirmed at BB with a stable outlook.
EuroRating has revised the credit rating of the guarantee fund Kujawsko-Pomorski Fundusz Poreczen Kredytowych Sp. z o.o. with its registered office in Torun (Poland). The rating was affirmed at A- with a stable outlook.
EuroRating has revised the credit rating of the bank PKO Bank Polski S.A. (Poland). The rating was affirmed at A- with a stable outlook.
EuroRating has revised the credit rating of the guarantee fund Poznanski Fundusz Poreczen Kredytowych Sp. z o.o. with its registered office in Poznan (Poland). The rating was affirmed at BBB+ with a negative outlook.
EuroRating has revised the credit rating of the guarantee fund Pomorski Regionalny Fundusz Poreczen Kredytowych Sp. z o.o. with its registered office in Gdansk (Poland). The rating was affirmed at A with a stable outlook.
EuroRating has revised the credit rating of the company GetBack S.A. (Poland). The rating was affirmed at BB with a stable outlook.
EuroRating has revised the credit rating of the company CCC S.A. (Poland). The rating was affirmed at BBB with a stable outlook.
EuroRating has revised the credit rating of the company LPP S.A. (Poland). The rating was affirmed at BBB with a stable outlook.