January 2017
EuroRating has assigned a BB credit rating to the Warsaw Stock Exchange "Catalyst" bond market listed company GetBack S.A. (Poland). The rating outlook is stable.
The assigned credit rating is a rating for the issuer – it consitutes an overall assesment of the creditworthiness of the rated entity and relates to the credit risk of its unsecured and unsubordinated financial liabilities.
GetBack S.A. operates in the receivables management industry and specializes in medium and large size debt purchasing transactions. The company is one of the leaders in this area on the Polish market with a portfolio of receivables as of 30 June 2016 of a nominal value of 17 bln PLN (i.e. 20% market share).
GetBack S.A. is the first company in the Polish receivables management industry, which has obtained an independent assessment of its credit risk in the form of a credit rating assigned by a credit rating agency. The company has an open public bond issue program worth up to 300 mln PLN.
EuroRating has revised the credit rating of the guarantee fund Mazowiecki Fundusz Poreczen Kredytowych Sp. z o.o. with its registered office in Warsaw (Poland). The rating was affirmed at BBB with a stable outlook.
EuroRating has revised the credit rating of the guarantee fund Kujawsko-Pomorski Fundusz Poreczen Kredytowych Sp. z o.o. with its registered office in Torun (Poland). The rating was affirmed at A- with a stable outlook.
EuroRating has revised the credit rating of the guarantee fund Opolski Regionalny Fundusz Poreczen Kredytowych Sp. z o.o. with its registered office in Opole (Poland). The rating was affirmed at BBB+ with a stable outlook.
EuroRating has revised the credit rating of the guarantee fund Fundusz Rozwoju i Promocji Wojewodztwa Wielkopolskiego S.A. with its registered office in Poznan (Poland). The rating was affirmed at A with a stable outlook.
EuroRating has revised the credit rating of the company Asseco Poland S.A. (Poland). The rating was affirmed at BBB+ with a stable outlook.
EuroRating has revised the credit rating of the company Energa S.A. (Poland). The rating was affirmed at BBB, the rating outlook was changed from stable to negative.
EuroRating has revised the credit rating of the company Enea S.A. (Poland). The rating was affirmed at BBB, the rating outlook was changed from stable to negative.
EuroRating has revised the credit rating of the guarantee fund Torunski Fundusz Poreczen Kredytowych Sp. z o.o. with its registered office in Torun (Poland). The rating was affirmed at BBB with a stable outlook.