August 2015
EuroRating revised the credit rating of the company Lubelski Wegiel Bogdanka S.A. (Poland). The rating was downgraded from BBB to BBB-. The negative rating outlook was maintained.
EuroRating has revised the credit rating of the company LPP S.A. (Poland). The rating was affirmed at BBB with a stable outlook.
EuroRating revised the credit rating of the guarantee fund Zachodniopomorski Regionalny Fundusz Poreczen Kredytowych Sp. z o.o. with its registered office in Szczecin (Poland). The rating was affirmed at A+ with a stable outlook.
EuroRating assigned to the guarantee fund Slaski Regionalny Fundusz Poreczeniowy Sp. z o.o. with its registered office in Katowice (Poland) credit rating at the level of BBB+ with a stable outlook.
EuroRating has changed the rating outlook of the guarantee fund Mazowiecki Fundusz Poreczeniowy Sp. z o.o. (Warsaw, Poland) from stable to negative. The rating was affirmed at BBB.
EuroRating downgraded credit ratings or rating outlooks for 10 Polish banks. This group include: Bank BPH, Bank Millennium, BOŚ, BZ WBK, Deutsche Bank Polska, Getin Noble Bank, mBank, PKO BP, Raiffeisen Bank Polska and Santander Consumer Bank.
The main reason for downgrading the assessments of creditworthiness of banks is new legislation passed by the Polish parliament on special rules for the restructuring of foreign currency mortgage loans. It assumes a forced conversion of foreign currency banks mortgage loans while moving on the banks of the overwhelming majority of the costs involved.
EuroRating has revised the credit rating of the company PKN Orlen S.A. (Poland). The rating was affirmed at BBB with a stable outlook.