Assessment of market value of companies

EuroRating provides services in the area of business valuation for a wide range of clients interested in obtaining an independent and objective estimation of the market value of shares in companies. Our clients are both largest corporations as well as small and medium companies, state administration authorities and private persons.

Our knowledge and experience in the area of finance, accounting, capital markets and investment banking, with simultaneous very good knowledge of issues relating to credit risk of enterprises result in our valuations are characterized by professionalism and high credibility. Our independence and a lack of any conflicts of interest ensure maintaining full objectivism of valuations prepared by EuroRating.

During the company valuation process we always apply an individual approach, taking into account both the specificity of the activity of the enterprise, as well as purposes of the valuation. During determining the value of the company, for us it is of key importance to recognize and understand the most important factors affecting the actual value of the company.

We also take into account elements, which are not directly related with the company’s activity, such as: the type of share buyers, possible synergy effects, the level of control, and liquidity of shares. Selected methods of valuation are adjusted on the basis of our knowledge and experience to the specificity of enterprises. Our company valuation methods include both classic income-based, comparative and net asset methods, as well as mixed and unconventional methods.

For more information about our services in the area of company shares valuation, please contact us.